Ligue de hockey simulé 2008
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 Lightning roster

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Messages : 383
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2008
Age : 34

Lightning roster Empty
MessageSujet: Lightning roster   Lightning roster Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mai - 19:46

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 26 (28) yrs Average age: 24 (24) yrs
Average height: 6-1 (6-1) Average height: 6-2 (6-1)
Average weight: 200 (200) Average weight: 197 (196)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to build the organization and is looking for youth over veterans.


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Martin St. Louis 84 68 79 32 6000000 6
Michel Ouellet 75 69 72 25 1250000 3
Jason Ward 63 70 68 28 650000 2
Evgeny Artyukhin C- C C 24 602000 0
Kyle Wanvig 60 66 66 26 450000 2
Andre Roy 42 70 62 32 1000000 3
Marek Kvapil 47 44 56 22 450000 3
Stanislav Lascek 50 44 56 21 450000 4
Radek Smolenak 38 34 48 20 450000 4
Zbynek Hrdel 31 33 38 21 500000 3
They are looking for 4th line right wing


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Vincent Lecavalier 86 72 81 27 7166667 4
Jeff Halpern 68 75 74 31 2000000 5
Ryan Craig 72 70 73 25 495000 1
Chris Gratton 67 74 72 31 900000 2
Tim Taylor 51 73 71 38 725000 3
Andreas Karlsson 59 67 67 31 500000 2
Nick Tarnasky 59 70 67 22 450000 2
Blair Jones 42 42 51 20 450000 4
Kevin Croxton 50 43 51 24 450000 3
John Toffey 26 34 40 24 467500 3
They are happy with their situation at this position


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jussi Jokinen 78 67 74 24 700000 1
Karl Stewart 54 67 67 23 500000 2
Craig MacDonald 51 63 62 30 450000 2
Dave Spina 54 48 59 24 450000 2
Mitch Fritz 34 66 58 26 450000 2
Maxime Boisclair 46 47 54 22 450000 3
Justin Keller 46 42 53 21 450000 4
Alexei Glukhov 35 27 41 23 450000 3
They are looking for a 1st line left wing


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Dan Boyle 76 76 77 30 3625000 3
Filip Kuba 67 74 73 30 3000000 4
Shane O'Brien 58 76 71 23 450000 2
Paul Ranger 57 74 69 22 450000 1
Brad Lukowich 47 75 68 30 1000000 4
Doug Janik 32 73 65 27 450000 2
Alex Picard 49 68 65 21 550000 3
Brad Bombardir 32 68 63 35 450000 2
Dan Jancevski 43 61 60 26 450000 2
Jay Leach 36 63 56 27 450000 2
They are looking for 3rd line defenseman


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marc Denis 70 78 75 29 1672000 4
Johan Holmqvist 71 74 73 29 600000 2
Mike Smith 65 68 69 25 495000 2
Jonathan Boutin 50 46 50 22 475000 3
Karri Rämö 38 38 47 20 450000 4
They are happy with their situation at this position



Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Alexander Polushin D D C- 24 456000 0
Marek Bartánus D D C- 20 500000 0


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Dana Tyrell D D C- 18 450000 0
Luca Cunti D D C- 17 450000 0
Alexander Killorn D D C- 17 450000 0
Dmitri Kazionov D- D C- 23 450000 0
Chris Lawrence D D C- 20 456000 0
Justin Courtnall D- D C- 18 450000 0
Dustin Collins D- D D 22 450000 0
Raimonds Danilics D- F D- 21 450000 0


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Anton But D D C- 26 450000 0
Denis Kazionov D- D- C- 19 600000 0
Albert Vishnyakov D F D 23 450000 0


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Vladimir Mihalik D- D C- 20 700000 0
Mike Lundin D- D C- 22 450000 0
John Wessbecker D- D C- 20 500000 0
Kevin Quick D- D C- 19 550000 0
P.J. Atherton F D D 24 450000 0
Dane Crowley F D- D 20 450000 0
Jan Zapletal D- D D 20 450000 0


Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Riku Helenius D- D- C- 19 650000 0
Kevin Beech D D C- 20 500000 0

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