Ligue de hockey simulé 2008
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Ligue de hockey simulé 2008

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 minesota roster

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Messages : 383
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2008
Age : 34

minesota roster Empty
MessageSujet: minesota roster   minesota roster Icon_minitimeLun 2 Juin - 0:34

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 28 (27) yrs Average age: 25 (24) yrs
Average height: 6-1 (6-1) Average height: 6-2 (6-1)
Average weight: 200 (199) Average weight: 198 (196)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to build the organization and is looking for youth over veterans.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marian Gaborik 83 69 79 25 6333000 3
Mark Parrish 74 70 75 30 2250000 5
Branko Radivojevic 67 68 69 26 600000 2
Matt Foy 63 59 64 24 450000 1
Bryan Lundbohm 56 48 58 34 450000 2
Joel Ward 51 58 58 27 450000 1
Joey Tetarenko 28 67 57 29 450000 1
Aaron Voros 53 51 54 26 450000 1
Danny Irmen 47 43 50 22 450000 3
They are looking for 4th line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Pavol Demitra 86 69 80 32 4500000 1
Brian Rolston 79 74 77 34 2432000 1
Wes Walz 66 77 75 37 1368000 1
Pierre-Marc Bouchard 76 64 73 23 1900000 2
Éric Bélanger 74 65 72 29 1750000 3
Mikko Koivu 67 73 71 24 902500 1
Dominic Moore 59 72 69 27 700000 2
Serge Payer 53 63 63 28 450000 1
Steve Kelly 48 66 60 30 450000 1
Marco Rosa 42 39 52 25 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Chris Simon 58 74 69 35 800000 1
Stéphane Veilleux 63 68 69 25 550000 1
Roman Voloshenko 62 60 63 21 725000 2
Derek Boogaard 36 72 62 25 525000 4
Benoit Pouliot 53 45 58 20 850000 3
Josh Olson 45 56 57 26 450000 1
Peter Olvecky 51 50 56 21 525000 2
Mark Rooneem 47 48 54 24 450000 1
Ryan Hamilton 46 43 52 22 450000 1
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Kim Johnsson 75 74 74 31 4050000 4
Sean Hill 65 76 73 37 1300000 1
Martin Skoula 69 69 72 27 1625000 1
Petteri Nummelin 68 62 70 34 1100000 2
Keith Carney 45 78 69 37 2100000 2
Kurtis Foster 67 70 69 25 775000 1
Brent Burns 53 71 69 22 775000 2
Nick Schultz 53 71 68 25 1600000 2
Shawn Belle 44 66 64 22 942000 2
Erik Reitz 44 62 59 25 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Niklas Backstrom 79 77 76 29 450000 1
Josh Harding 69 71 74 23 725000 2
Nolan Schaefer 62 66 66 27 450000 1
Dieter Kochan 60 59 64 33 450000 1
Miroslav Kopriva 50 38 47 23 500000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Cal Clutterbuck D D C- 19 750000 0
Morten Madsen D D- C- 20 525000 0
Ryan Jones D D C- 23 450000 0
Matt Kassian F D D 20 450000 0
Mike Erickson D D D 24 450000 0
Julien Sprunger D D D 21 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Colton Gillies D D C- 18 450000 0
Ondrej Fiala D D- C- 19 750000 0
Kyle Bailey D D C- 20 500000 0
Chris Hickey D- D- D 19 450000 0
Marcin Kolusz D D- D 22 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
James Sheppard D D C- 19 850000 0
Julian Walker D- D C- 20 600000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Harri Ilvonen D D C- 18 450000 0
Kyle Medvec D- D C- 19 600000 0
Anthony Aiello D- D D 21 600000 0
Grigori Misharin D- D D 22 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Kristofer Westblom D- D C- 20 600000 0
Niko Hovinen D- D- C- 19 800000 0
Anton Khudobin D- D D 21 450000 0

Eastside Hockey Manager
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Messages : 383
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2008
Age : 34

minesota roster Empty
MessageSujet: Re: minesota roster   minesota roster Icon_minitimeDim 8 Juin - 1:19

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 28 (27) yrs Average age: 25 (24) yrs
Average height: 6-1 (6-0) Average height: 6-2 (6-1)
Average weight: 200 (199) Average weight: 198 (196)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to build the organization and is looking for youth over veterans.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marian Gaborik 85 71 80 25 6333000 3
Mark Parrish 74 70 75 30 2250000 5
Branko Radivojevic 67 69 69 26 600000 2
Matt Foy 61 57 63 24 450000 1
Joel Ward 51 58 58 27 450000 1
Joey Tetarenko 30 67 56 29 450000 1
Bryan Lundbohm 52 45 55 34 450000 2
Aaron Voros 55 51 55 26 450000 1
Danny Irmen 48 43 50 23 450000 3
They are looking for 4th line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Pavol Demitra 86 70 81 32 4500000 1
Brian Rolston 79 74 77 34 2432000 1
Wes Walz 65 76 75 37 1368000 1
Pierre-Marc Bouchard 77 66 74 23 1900000 2
Éric Bélanger 74 65 72 29 1750000 3
Mikko Koivu 68 74 72 24 902500 1
Dominic Moore 60 72 69 27 700000 2
Serge Payer 53 63 63 28 450000 1
Steve Kelly 46 62 57 31 450000 1
Petr Kalus 43 42 53 20 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Chris Simon 58 74 69 35 800000 1
Stéphane Veilleux 63 70 69 25 550000 1
Roman Voloshenko 62 60 63 21 725000 2
Derek Boogaard 38 73 62 25 525000 4
Benoit Pouliot 56 49 60 21 850000 3
Josh Olson 46 56 57 26 450000 1
Peter Olvecky 52 52 57 22 525000 2
Mark Rooneem 49 49 55 24 450000 1
Ryan Hamilton 46 43 52 22 450000 1
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Kim Johnsson 75 75 74 31 4050000 4
Martin Skoula 69 71 72 28 1625000 1
Sean Hill 65 75 72 37 1300000 1
Petteri Nummelin 68 62 69 34 1100000 2
Keith Carney 43 78 69 37 2100000 2
Kurtis Foster 67 71 69 25 775000 1
Brent Burns 53 72 69 22 775000 2
Nick Schultz 53 71 68 25 1600000 2
Shawn Belle 46 68 65 22 942000 2
Erik Reitz 43 64 59 25 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Niklas Backstrom 82 80 78 29 450000 1
Josh Harding 71 75 75 23 725000 2
Nolan Schaefer 62 66 66 27 450000 1
Dieter Kochan 60 59 64 33 450000 1
Miroslav Kopriva 53 42 48 23 500000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Cal Clutterbuck D C- C- 19 750000 0
Morten Madsen D D- C- 20 525000 0
Ryan Jones D D C- 23 450000 0
Matt Kassian F D D 21 450000 0
Mike Erickson D D D 24 450000 0
Julien Sprunger D D D 21 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Colton Gillies D D C- 18 450000 0
Ondrej Fiala D D C- 19 750000 0
Kyle Bailey D D C- 21 500000 0
Chris Hickey D- D- D 19 450000 0
Marcin Kolusz D D- D 22 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
James Sheppard D D C- 19 850000 0
Julian Walker D- D C- 21 600000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Harri Ilvonen D D C- 18 450000 0
Kyle Medvec D- D C- 19 600000 0
Anthony Aiello D- D D 21 600000 0
Grigori Misharin D- D D 22 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Kristofer Westblom D- D C- 20 600000 0
Niko Hovinen D- D- C- 19 800000 0
Anton Khudobin D- D D 21 450000 0

Eastside Hockey Manager
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minesota roster
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